Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Busy times

My posts and reading have both slowed a bit recently. The end of the year is always very busy. Add the preparation for a cross country move and things get very busy. Each day seems to be crazy in its own way. Here is today
-Wake up
-Wake up kids
-Drop off kids
-Meeting about a student
-Wear pink pony outfit in Beauty in the Beast presented in French
-Teach class
-Meet with student/dean
-Judicial commitee
-Go home for the 4 year old's forgotten backpack/lunch
-Check final exam
-After school review with students
-Advisory meeting
-Go home for diet coke
-Advisory meeting
-Decide to miss 5:30 meeting (don't feel too guilty because I'll be gone in two weeks anyway....sorry)
-Out for dinner and errands with the kids
-Put kids to bed
-Install window air conditioner (first hot humid day)
-Finally some time to catch up on email, reading, cleaning, etc...