Monday, March 2, 2009


I don't consider myself a prolific reader but have been on a great pace since the holidays. Having graduate school finished has been very helpful. A few flights without wrestling children has also helped. But the biggest difference has been the glasses.

I am not one to cringe about my age or dread the approach of a birthday. Not that I necessarily feel young. My attempts to play soccer over the last few months have been evidence enough that my body is not what it used to be (the mirror tells the same story). I guess I'm just not that sensitive to my own mortality and signs that I am inching closer to death's door. So it wasn't much of a blow to my ego when I decided to give reading glasses a try.

I can see fine without the glasses but my eyes get tired after reading for 15 minutes. Now I can read for much longer and much more comfortably. A pleasing result. At least I can hold off looking at canes and dentures for the immediate future. Knock on wood.

1 comment:

  1. You are awful young to be needing reading glasses. I would suggest that you have needed glasses for a long time, and that your eyes have finally drifted enough that your crystalline lens can no longer compensate in the near.

    Oh, and there is nothing better for getting caught up on reading than lots of airplane flights without kids.

    Oh, and I really enjoyed "The Master and Margarita" back when I read it. "Heart of a Dog" was also good, and "The Master and Margarita" got me reading G.K. Chesterton's works (in particular "The Man who was Thursday"), which lead me into stranger stuff that I just adore.

    Err, I guess I should mention (us not having talked much) that the above comments come from me spending the last 8 years working on human vision for Bausch & Lomb's surgery division
